API docs


Limits the fields returned.


- fields: A JSON object detailing the desired fields

To limit the results, set a field's value to false or omit it entirely.

The fields available for retrieval depend on the search type, when searching irys:transactions, the following fields are available:

	id: true, // Transaction ID
	token: true, // Token used for payment
	address: true, // Cross-chain address used for signing and payment
	receipt: {
		deadlineHeight: true, // The block number by which the transaction must be finalized on Arweave
		signature: true, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
		timestamp: true, // Timestamp, millisecond accurate, of the time the uploaded was verified
		version: true, // The receipt version, currently 1.0.0
	tags: { // An array of tags associated with the upload
		name: true,
		value: true,
	signature: true, // A signed deep hash of the JSON receipt
	timestamp: true, // Timestamp, millisecond accurate, of the time the uploaded was verified

When searching by arweave:transactions the following fields are available:

	id: true, // Transaction ID
	tags: {
		// Tags associated with the upload
		name: true,
		value: true,
	anchor: true,
	block: {
		height: true, // Block height
		id: true, // Block ID
		previous: true, // Todo
		timestamp: true, // Block timestamp
	bundledIn: {
		id: true,
	data: {
		size: true, // Data size
		type: true, // Date type
	fee: {
		ar: true, // Fee paid in AR
		winston: true, // Fee paid in Winston
	owner: {
		address: true, // Transation originator
		key: true, // Public key
	quantity: {
		ar: true, // Amount of AR transferred (for token transfers)
		winston: true, // Amount of AR transferred (for token transfers)
	recipient: true, // Transfer recipient (for token transfers)
	signature: true, // Transaction signature

When searching by arweave:blocks the following fields are available:

	height: true,
	id: true,
	previous: true,
	timestamp: true,